History of Modern and Contemporary Art

History of Modern and Contemporary Art   2+1

Teacher: Mădălina Brașoveanu


Learning and properly using the main concepts of modern and contemporary art.  Studying the main art movements, programs and art theories of the 20th century art. Studying the basic texts for the art of the 20th century.


1. Introduction to modernism – key concepts: Modern Art and reality; Modern Art and expression; Formalism.

2. Introduction to early 20th century photography

3. Fauvism and Expressionism

4. Futurism, Cubism and Early Abstraction.

5. Dada and Surrealism

6. Avant-guard in Russia.

7. Modernism in Latin America.

8. Post-war Art Movements in North America.

9. Socialist Realism and the Cold War Propaganda.

10. Post-war art in Western Europe.

11. Conceptual art, Performance, process art and institutional critique.

12. Feminist Art

13. Art in Central and Eastern Europe after 1945 – Part I.

14. Art in Central and Eastern Europe after 1945 – Part II